Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Omni Pod Is Gone And It's That Kind Of Year Again

      The blasted Omni Pod is gone and I am back on shots, man they hurt really bad sometimes. I am happy that it is gone and I have successfully gone through 1 pen of NovoLog and 2 1/2 pens of Lantis. In other news I have gone through pens and have lots of bumbs on my arms. Haha, also Omni Pod has figured out their issue with the pods and fixed them a couple of weeks after I went off. I'm meeting with doctor in a couple weeks and might go back on Omni Pod to seem what happens! The new old Pods had some sensors that were too sensitive so anytime you would bump in in the wrong place it would think that it was an error when there wasn't. The new new Pods have been fixed and the sensors have been dialed down... A lot. We all know that Thanksgiving is coming up so I hope you will all have a great Thanksgiving and get those Blood Sugars down and don't eat too much! Well guess what this moth is? IT'S DIABETES AWARENESS MONTH!!! So where ever you are go and donate to your local Diabetes Learning Center or your local Hospital, or maybe even your local pizza place! Our pizza place had a Diabetes Awareness day where 10% of your money went to the ADA and we also had a really good meal. At least I think it was 10%. But anyways I think I've bored you enough with my ongoing talking so I won't keep you any longer and I hope you have a good World Diabetes Day Tomorrow.

This Is Colin Signing Off,

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The "New" OmniPod

   The quote "New" OmniPod pods are terrible, they fail almost every three hours and I can't get a break. Being a diabetic, you have diabetic friends, and one of my friends have had the same exact problem and have called even more that we have. His mom is furious and got the OmniPod manager himself to admit to her that they had problems and were failing. I have smashed one of the pods with a hammer and am also furious. Is the FDA stupid or have they not heard of a working product because this quote "New" piece of junk is not one of them. Even while typing this post one of my pods failed. I am sorry that I have not posted anything over the past 2 months but I have been busy starting back up with school. I hope you all had a great summer and welcome back, I am trying to do a post every week but I don't know if it will work out every week so just sit tight. Please spread the word and get this blog up and going. Until later.

Colin signing off,

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My Goal

Hey, what's up peoples on the internet. I have started a goal of 500 total page views since this blog has taken off so fast. Thank you so much for your support and I would say comments but haven't gotten any yet. Don't be shy ask me something about Diabetes or something like that. But thank you so much and spread the word to get this blog up to 500 views. I have been on vacation and haven't been able to do so much lately. Sorry if I don't get back, and as always if you want to learn more about diabetes or donate go to your local diabetes foundation or hospital.

Colin signing off,

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Passengers With Diabetes

Tomorrow our family leaves for Boston. We are flying for our first with diabetes and we wanted to know what will happen with all our diabetes supplies. We have to get a special pat down at security. All of our supplies will be handled specially and taken care of. If you want to see more information on this you can check out this website at

Lenny The Lion

Lenny The Lion is Medtronic's mascot and loves to hang with kids. Lenny has type 1 Diabetes and wants to teach kids that its okay to have diabetes. Lenny has helped my sister a lot with her stuff like shots and pump sites. He has many places where you can give him a shot or put a site on him. Aubrey loves him to death and even made a little kit of stuff for him. He is very soft and loveable. If you have any questions or comments put it in the comments below. If you want to donate or learn more about diabetes visit your local Diabetes Foundation or local hospital learning center.

Colin signing off,

Sunday, June 16, 2013

My Blood Glucose

This past week has been really good since it's leading up to our trip. My blood sugar (glucose) has been in the 300's all week which has made me feel icky and not been able to sleep very well. Having diabetes can come out of nowhere and hit you like a bus. It will pound you until you want to give up. Just like my younger siblings. Just last night after midnight I woke up and tried to fall back asleep for almost an hour. I checked my blood sugar and turned out to be 309. That is very high, if I were to check yours right now it would be around 100-130 and that is normal. As you can see it hits you like a bus, it just slams me and I just hate it. Please help support by donating to your local diabetes foundation or hospital to end this sickness.

Colin signing off,


Hi, my name is Colin. I am a type 1 diabetic along with my sister Aubrey. I have been a diabetic for 2 years now and I am on an Insulin Pump. My sister has been a diabetic for 3 1/2 years and she is also on an Insulin Pump. I am on Omni Pod and my sister is on Medtronic. For those that don't know what Diabetes is and what Insulin is I can tell you. Diabetes is a non-spreading disease that make your pancreas stop working. Your pancreas makes Insulin which is put in your blood stream every time you eat. It keeps your blood glucose in range to keep you healthy. Mine and my sisters have stopped working. Now we are Insulin dependent and need shots of Insulin to keep our blood glucose in range. Diabetes is hard to live with and gets tiring after a while. It makes you want to quit and give up on your life. But as one of my role models said "Diabetes can be hard to live with, but keep pushing and don't quit your dreams because of this small disease. Look at me I have made it to the F1 racing league, and it didn't ever stop me.". For those who are wondering that was Charlie Kimball, a professional F1 race car driver. I had a chance to meet him at the St. Louis JDRF diabetes retreat. He has become one of my many role models and have become friends with a professional snowboarder because of diabetes. Diabetes has its pro's and its cons but I have learned to love with it.

Colin signing off,